Environmental Chemistry
The chemical processes of the air, earth and sky, the effects they have on humans and the effects we have on them are studied by environmental chemists. Advanced analytical techniques are used to identify the composition of a given atmosphere and the aim is to be able to follow the pathway of any reaction as it moves through an environment.
Articles about environmental chemistry
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Scientists agree that human activities are causing climate change, but the finer details are still unknown.
Delve deeper into climate change
Water is vital for our survival, but how much do we really know about it?
Delve deeper into water
The Origins of Life - Where and how did life begin?
Delve deeper into origin of life
What happens to plastic when it gets disposed of into the environment, and how might it affect us?
Delve deeper into plastics
If a keystone species is lost, the entire ecosystem can collapse.
Delve deeper into keystone species
Blog posts about environmental chemistry
Our blog posts are often written by scientists about their ongoing research